MS. MEGAN SEXTON - 6th Grade Homeroom Teacher + All Middle School Science and Social Studies
Sixth grade is the first year of our Jr. High Program. Students are not only challenged with tougher academic courses but adjusting to rotating classes among three teachers. They are also given the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular academic activities.The sixth-grade curriculum includes courses in earth science, ancient history, and the GoMath program. In Religion, we focus on loving and caring for people in the image of God using our Sophia Institute program. We have integrated technology in our core classes to enrich and engage academic achievements.
One of the highlights of sixth grade is learning about the importance of conservation. We run a recycling program all year to raise money for our week-long science camp at SCICON. This experience is a great opportunity for students to become a representation of environmentally conscious individuals; as well as an opportunity to develop growth and independence during their SCICON trip.
Sixth grade is just the beginning of becoming more caring and loving young adults.